How To Make Travelling With Kids Easier

It sure is a challenge! But these products make travelling with feral humans a bit more bearable.

The Best Tips for Travelling With a Baby or Toddler

  1. Drip feed them toys
    Apply a Montessori attitude to toy handouts and activities rather than giving them all in one go. And choose more significant items that aren’t a nightmare to find if they’re dropped. Slide or flap books are great for babies and toddlers. Larger cubed blocks are ok, but don’t take too many. Mess-free- drawing like an Etch-A-Sketch or Crayola Mess-Free packs are great. And spinnys that you can stick to windows and seats will entertain them for longer than you’d think.

  2. Get a Babyzen Yoyo
    There’s a reason why airports are filled with them! Not only can you carry them on your shoulder with a handy strap, but you can take them right up to the plane and on it if there’s space.
  3. Book a Baby Bassinet for Long Flights
    One to sort as soon as you’ve booked your tickets as there’s a limited amount on each plane. But if you can get one, it will save you a lot of hassle. It’s worth checking the measurements as they differ between airlines, and larger babies may need a toddler bassinet.
  4. Take Some Pre-Made Milks
    If they’re not breastfed but still have milk, a few pre-made bottles can relieve the stress of waiting for an air hostess to provide hot water. Plus, many children will drink it at room temperature, making it so easy. And because it’s classified as baby food, you can it through security. *Pack some for your suitcase too, so things are easier when you arrive.
  5. Reduce Sugar in Snacks
    Try to pack as many low/no-sugar snacks as possible. The worst thing you can do to an active toddler who’s trapped on a plane is to fill it with energy-inducing sugar. Look for veggie sticks, cheese dips, and cucumber and save the sweet treats for the end of your flight or if you need to bribe them to sit down.
  6. Take Spare Clothes, for Yourself!
    They will likely cover themselves in something; we’re prepared for that. But it is more likely that they will cover you, so pack a spare dress that you can switch to after landing.
  7. Choose Your Flight Times Wisely
    Repeat after us: “Never will i ever fly at Witching Hour”.
    Sorry if you’re already booked but if you haven’t then try to fly in the morning, but not so early that everyone is exhausted from getting up even earlier than usual. Try to time it with a regular wake-up. So, when you’re flying around 10/11ish, you can give them an early lunch, and hopefully, they’ll sleep afterwards on the plane.

The Products That Will Make Flying With Toddlers and Babies Easier

Camelbak are by far the best bottles we’ve tried. They’re expensive but they last the test of time and create zero spills even if they’re thrown on the floor or tipped upside down.

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however, we may make a commission on some products.

10 Tedious Things About Parenting

We love our children, but being a parent is annoying sometimes—especially when we’ve only slept for three hours.

The Cleaning is Relentless (and gets you nowhere)

From scrubbing hard cereal because someone forgot to wipe it (no names). To sterilising bottles for the 367th time.
Our standards are lowered, and the house is now spotless for only 4.5 seconds after the cleaner has been.
*Or when our MIL comes around.

They Don’t Like Bluey as Much as We Do

Screentime can be essential for getting sh*t done. But there comes a point when children realise they can choose. And then it’s ‘See ya Ben & Holly!’ and ‘Hello bizarre brain-mushing ASMR videos’… and the grating sound of Blippee.

They’ll Be Sick in the Night and Fine in the Morning

If you’re not awake trying to calm or Calpol them, then you’re in a state of insomnia, worrying that they’re dying in their room.
Cue morning. You rush in, and yep, they’re completely fine.
If anything, they’ve got more energy than ever.
We’re grateful and everything. But. What. The. Actual.

The Playground is Only Fun for Five Minutes

Hanging around swings was way more fun when we were 15, and vodka was involved.
At least for a few more years (or months – gulp!), they’ll believe us that it’s closed.

Being Awake in the Middle of the Night Is a Thing

We thought we’d be good at being up all night with all the practice we had. However, it appears feeding or dealing with a tiny crying human can feel pretty tedious. Especially with a very snorey co-parent next to you.

You Need to Watch Them

If they’re not at the stage of asking you to watch them (which is SO fun btw). Then, you have to make sure you keep an eye on them at all times. And when you don’t, they’ll either injure themselves or cause more mess than you can actually physically imagine.

You Make All the Meals – That No One Eats!

You slave for hours making a homemade fish pie that they throw on the floor, only to end up feeding them a banana, a yoghurt or a bit of toast.

Crouching Next to Them Waiting for a Poo

Ahh, toilet training. Aka: You and a cold bathroom floor, waiting for the plop.

You Now Have SO Many Appointments

From the person who hasn’t managed to book a dental or eye appointment in 8 years. You’re now in charge of scheduling and booking 37 appointments a year.
And don’t forget that bloody red book!!!

You’ve (Without Consent) Been Appointed Chief Restocker

“Are there any nappies upstairs?” “Where are the wipes?” “Those shoes look a bit small!”
Yep! Even though you’re spending every waking (and non-waking) hour looking after an unreasonable human that you grew.
Everyone from your MIL to your partner thinks you’re really messing up if the nappy caddy isn’t in order.
You know where the shop is people. Off you trot!

Our Favourite Homemade Ice Lolly Recipes

Upping their 5-a-day intake without a fight.

Fruit & Veg Ice Lollies
Fruit & Veg Ice Lollies

These zero-sugar fruit and veggie lollies are delicious and not just a healthy treat but they’re also great for soothing sore gums if your little one is teething.

Avocado & Chocolate Ice Lollies
Avocado & Chocolate Ice Lollies

Lollies that taste and look yummy but are still full of goodness.

Mango Gelato Lollies
Mango Gelato Lollies

One that’s great for your gut and takes no time at all.

Raspberry Pina Colada Kid Pops
Raspberry Pina Colada Kid Pops

Moreish raspberry Piña colada ice pops that are so quick to whip together.


10 Things To Know About Having A Toddler

They are Insane

From wearing a Christmas jumper in 41 degree sun to throwing a fit because you’ve given them the wrong spoon. It’s official – those tiny-dictators are entirely unhinged.

You Now Share Everything

Everything! Including meals that are identical to theirs. Sat directly next to theirs. But on your plate.

Sometimes Their Voice Grates On Your Soul

Of course, there is also no sweeter sound. But have you ever been asked to go swimming 450,000 times in the space of 3 hours? *Top tip: do not mention ANY activity until 15 minutes before said activity. Trust us.

Letting Them into The Bathroom With You Does Nothing For Self Esteem

From wondering why each month you’re putting a sweetie up your bum. (*FYI, we’re not). To asking where your willy is? And if they can see your poo?!

**The toilet is no longer a safe space.

They Lose Everything and Blame You

The meltdowns that follow the loss of items are next level. From those new rainbow sunglasses to the favourite new toy they insisted on taking into nursery (and losing!). It will always be YOUR problem. If you haven’t already. NEVER introduce marbles into your home. They will lose them, and you will lose yours.

When They Go Quiet- Worry!

They’re either drawing on the walls, covering themselves in Sudocrem, climbing something unstable, or sh*tting on the sofa. *Never trust the silence.

They Wake Up Really Early

We’ve bought the sleep clocks and blackout blinds and thinking about stairgating their bedroom door.

Their Innocence Is The Best Thing Ever

They will say the best things at the hardest of times. It will bring a smile to everyones face. They’re bloody hard work, but you will miss this crazy time.

They Complete The Day By 9AM

Play-Doh, drawing, dress up, 400 snacks, that craft set you thought would last the day, every episode of Peppa sodding Pig. All before the postman comes.

Their Magazines Will Bankrupt You

Sure, they might take the edge off for 5 minutes but they are expensive and NOT worth it. We regret the day we introduced them / Grandma did.