Recipe of the Week: Christmas Robin Cake Pops

“Booths are making Christmas seriously easy this year, with an incredible food range that can be pre-ordered or bought in store – they also have tons of easy to follow recipes on their website.
And these (*impress everyone) cake pops are so easy to make. You can even do it with the kids or pre-make some on your own and then let them go wild with a few!”


1 Booths Madeira Loaf Cake
200g tub ready-made vanilla buttercream
300g milk chocolate
100g ready-made red fondant
100g ready-made white fondant
50g ready-made yellow fondant
1 pack candy eyes
1 pack food colouring gels
Paper straws


1. Crumble the sponge between your fingers until you get a fine breadcrumb consistency.
2. Add the buttercream and mix until it comes together.
3. Mould the cake mix into round balls, using a small ice-cream scoop to make them evenly sized. Freeze the balls for 1 hour.
4. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and cool to 30°C, use a temperature probe to help you. This will temper the chocolate and give a nice snap to the texture.
5. Press each cake ball on to a straw and dip into the melted chocolate until they are fully coated, then allow to set (they will set quickly).
6. Using some of the white fondant and food colouring gels, create your desired wing colour and cut them out.
7. Dip the cakes into the melted chocolate again and decorate with the fondant and decorations, using our robins as inspiration.

More Recipes…

Head to Booths for more incredible recipes


Reviewed By Us: Forma Facial at Bio Lite Clinic, Al Thanya St, Umm Suquim2 

Reviewed By: TMC Dubai Franchise Co-Owner, Jo Hartley

Pro IconPros

It’s a special treat

It’s Relaxing

It brightens your skin

Con IconCons

It’s expensive

Overall thoughts:

Forma facial is a non-invasive skin treatment that uses heat and radiofrequency to increase collagen production in your face. Also known as the ‘Red Carpet express facelift.’

What to expect:

Walking in, you are instantly transported to an oasis of calm. The smells, the music and the décor, transport you away from the busyness of the city. After completing the consultation form and a friendly chat, they took some pictures of my skin, which are kept on file for result purposes.

After this, the treatment started with a cleanse and then a cold gel was applied, and the radio frequency wand glided over my skin and felt like a hot stone massage. It was so relaxing I fell asleep. After an hour of this, a generous application of moisturiser and SPF was applied, and I was sent merrily on my way. My skin looking dewy and glowing.

Aftercare is sent to you via WhatsApp, but it is minimal and what you’d expect – just stay out of the sun.

Was it good value?

There’s no denying that the Forma Facial has a high-end price point, but I always say – you get what you pay for! It is recommended for the ultimate results that you have a course of six treatments and have them every week for six weeks. A single treatment costs 2310 AED, but you get 20% off if you purchase three or more facials. I would definitely recommend it if you’re like me and you’ve noticed your skin is looking less than youthful.

Book Now

TMC Family Recipe Of The Week: Chocolate Mug Cake


3 tablespoons coconut oil (or olive oil/rapeseed oil)
1 egg, at room temperature
3 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2-4 tablespoons honey, maple syrup, or granulated sugar
1/4 cup plain flour
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon brewed coffee
28g semi-sweet chocolate chunks, very roughly chopped


1. Melt the coconut oil in a big microwave-safe mug. Whisk in the egg, milk, vanilla, and honey until combined. Add the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt, stirring until just combined.

2. Spoon the coffee into the center of the batter and gently swirl it in. Do not fully incorporate the coffee. Place the chocolate chunks in the center of the batter.

3. Microwave on full power for 1 minute 45 second to 2 minutes (I always do 2 minutes). Dig your spoon deep into the cake to spoon up melted chocolate with every bite. Serve with ice cream. ENJOY.

Recipe and image from

How to Exercise When You Have Diastasis Recti

Around 60% of women experience it after birth. But how do you know if you have it? And how can you exercise safely? We spoke to Pre and postnatal fitness specialist, Hollie Grant of The Bump Plan, to get her expert tips.

What is Diastasis Recti?

Even though it sounds very technical, it is very common and natural and it is when the muscles in your stomach separate in order to make space for your growing baby.

How do you know if you have Diastasis Recti?

After you have had your baby, you can check the size of the separation with this simple technique.

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor.
Raise your shoulders off the floor slightly and look down at your tummy.
Using the tips of your fingers, feel between the edges of the muscles, above and below your belly button. See how many fingers you can fit into the gap between your muscles.

Ideally your doctor will examine you for DR in your six-week check-up, but it’s not unknown for this to be missed and it’s always worth checking yourself at home or book in with a women’s health physio for a post natal MOT and they will give you essential advice for recovery.

*Advice from NHSUK

How to Exercise with Diastasis Recti?

Pre and postnatal fitness specialist, Hollie Grant says, “When you’ve recovered from birth, unless you’ve been advised not to, you can still move and exercise with a Diastasis Recti. Staying physically active is vital for our physical and mental health, so here are some tips on how to move safely with these conditions.”

Tips for moving safely with diastasis recti

  1. Understand core pressure
    “When we move, we create a certain amount of pressure in the core, and how we manage that pressure can help us manage our symptoms. For example, if we are doing an exercise that causes lots of pressure to our Linea Alba called Doming (this may look like your tummy going pointy) we may want to regress the exercise a little until we can better manage that pressure.”
  2. Listen to your body
    “How does it feel after exercise? Do your symptoms feel worse post exercise? If so, you may be overdoing it or need to work at a lower intensity or shorter duration initially before gradually building your way up.”
  3. Work closely with your GP or Physio
    “It’s important you request support from your healthcare provider – staying active is so beneficial and they should be able to help support you in doing so.”
  4. Do your pelvic floor exercises
    “With the exception of those who have a tight (hypertonic) pelvic floor, most women will benefit from some pelvic floor exercises (also referred to as Kegels). These will help build strength in the pelvic floor, which can help with both DRA and Prolapse symptoms.”
  5. Learn to move well
    “I would say technique is really important for all activities, but particularly when working with a diastasis. Really think about how your body moves, when you feel pressure on your pelvic floor or Linea Alba, whether you are leaking during certain moves, how you feel afterwards, and how to maintain good form when exercising. It can really help to ensure we are managing load well and creating some good habits that are transferable to everyday life.”

The Best Books for Your Children to Read

Photo by William Fortunato

A Norland College nanny shares the best age-appropriate reads for your children.

*Don’t forget, it is totally free for children to use their local library so you can borrow books for free!

Aged 0-2

Pre- schoolers

Aged 5-8


Coping With Baby Blues & Post Natal Depression

The physical and hormonal changes that our body experiences during pregnancy, birth and beyond, are vast. And if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed by emotion it’s important to remember that you’ve been through a lot. And, you’re a bloody hero!

Is it Normal to Feel Low After Birth?

The feeling you get when your new little fam returns home from hospital, is just the best. If we could bottle and sell those ‘oh-so grateful’ emotions, we’d be bloody loaded. But it’s also a bit like a giant wave has hit you *and then maybe a bus. And with that, comes a rollercoaster ride of emotions that it is entirely normal to experience. 

What Are Baby Blues?

Having a baby can offset a whole range of emotions such as euphoria, excitement, and a deep abiding love for the life you’ve carried into the world. But it can also trigger negative emotions. Baby blues is a common feeling that most mothers feel. The term refers to feelings of sadness and you can feel weepy, be irritable towards your partner and loved ones, and even disconnected from the world around you. Medical experts state that baby blues usually occurs during the first week of pregnancy and is often confusing for women because the expectation is that we should feel jubilant and contented after having a baby.

What is Matrescence?

Alexandra Sacks, M.D. is widely recognized as the leading clinical expert on matrescence: the developmental transition into motherhood. And in this video she explains the change women feel as they become a mother. The way she explains the change we go through and the emotions we feel is so succinct and well worth a watch.

Watch it here…

What Does Postnatal Depression Feel Like?

Many conflate baby blues with postnatal depression because the symptoms can be quite similar, but they are in fact two separate conditions. Women tend to experience postnatal depression 2-8 weeks after giving birth. And while baby blues symptoms don’t usually stop you from functioning and living your day-to-day life, postnatal depression can be debilitating and may even require medical intervention and treatment in more severe cases. Dr Carla Runchman is a Clinical Psychologist who also writes about the psychology of motherhood on her blog Mama Diary. Speaking to The Mum Club, she says, “Whilst ‘baby blues’ in the first few days is normal, persistent low mood is not. This can look different for different people, but might typically include, feelings of hopelessness, struggling to feel connected with your baby, loss of appetite or eating more than normal, or feeling anxious or experiencing panic attacks. These are some of the most common signs of postnatal depression, but there are many complex factors that influence our mental health. One size does not fit all, and you are the expert on you.” If you’re currently feeling any of these symptoms, it’s crucial that you open up about it to your partner or a friend/relative, although we recognise that it isn’t always easy to do so when you are in the thick it. Acknowledging that you’re finding life after baby challenging is so difficult, but once you allow those thoughts and feelings to be expressed, you are on your way to getting better and getting the help and support you need. Get in touch with your health visitor, who will be well equipped to recognise the signs of postnatal depression and will be able to provide assistance. It’s also important to make an appointment with your GP so they can make an accurate assessment based on your symptoms. Treatments for postnatal depression include counselling or prescribed anti-depressants in some cases.

Other People You Can Talk to…

You might not feel comfortable speaking to a GP, Health Visitor or a family or friend. And often speaking to someone on the phone feels easier. That’s why PND awareness support group PANDAS has a free helpline that you can call.
0808 1961 776

Find out more

How You Can Help Your Mental Health

Serious cases of postnatal depression are best handled professionally, but there are some things you can incorporate into your daily life that benefit your mental state of mind.

Get Out of the House

This is such an overlooked tip, but it’s so super important that you get out as often as you can when you have a baby. We know it can often take such a huge effort to get up, get dressed as well as get baby fed, dressed and watered (especially during the midst of the sleepless night’s stage), but trust us – the pros certainly outweigh the cons. Fresh air and daylight are awesome mood boosters. They release serotonin that stabilises your mood and ignite feelings of happiness and contentment. Similarly, walking is also beneficial to your well-being. It improves your sleep quality, elevates your mood, and reduces stress and anxiety.

Delegate tasks

With so much pressure from society to be perfect mums we take it upon ourselves to do everything around the house when we’ve just had a baby. From cooking organic meals, ensuring the house is spotless at all times, to catering to baby’s every whim – it’s no wonder that we’re often left feeling exhausted and deflated. Dr Carla explains why delegation is fundamental, stating: “You must ensure your basic needs are being met. Can someone look after the baby while you have a shower, take a nap or eat some delicious, nourishing food? These very simple acts of self-care can make all the difference to how you feel in the early, chaotic days after giving birth.”

Join Your Nearest The Mum Club
Join Your Nearest The Mum Club

It often goes unsaid how terribly lonely those early months can be after giving birth. After the fun and excitement of friends and relatives popping round to meet your newborn quietens down, and your partner goes back to work after paternity leave – it’s often just you and baby. And of course, you adore your little Bubba to bits, that goes without saying, but the absence of day-to-day interaction with adults can be difficult to deal with. Joining a mother and baby group is an incredible way to meet and connect with women who are experiencing the exact same thing you are – the good, the bad and everything in between. Ensure you are signed up to our newsletter so you can be notified of upcoming events. And if we’re not in your area – we will be soon!

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Minimise Social Media Activity

While it can definitely be a force for good and connect us with like-minded individuals, endless hours of scrolling can indeed contribute to negative emotions such as social status anxiety, FOMO, unrealistic life expectations, anxiety, and depression. So keep your social media usage to a minimum.

Get. Some. Sleep. *When You Can

We can imagine the eye roll at this heading, but we’re going to say it anyway: quality sleep is essential to your wellbeing. Yes, we know when the baby sleeps it gives you the perfect opportunity to catch up on the washing, house chores, the latest episode of Sex Education. But please try and sleep. There are so many awesome physical and mental health benefits from sleeping. It moderates your stress levels, energises you, reduces inflammation, improves your concentration, and detoxifies your brain!

Talk, Then Talk Some More.

We can’t emphasise enough how important it is to talk to someone if you’re feeling low. Even if you feel it’s of little importance because your sadness only feels fleeting and surface-level – talk anyway. Most of us have experienced mental health challenges related to pregnancy and childbirth, and it’s high time we start normalising that.

Read Next…

Hey, It’s Ok… To Feel Low After Birth
Hey, It’s Ok… To Feel Low After Birth

While we can’t physically come round your house and hug you. We can give you a list of things that might boost your mood when you’re feeling a bit low. Print this it out and put it on your fridge, stat.

Read Next

Reviewed By Us: Graco Myavo Stroller

Reviewed By: Lucy Moore Mum to 2 year old Rupert

Pro IconPros

It fully reclines, which is ideal for naps on the go.

One-handed fold, which makes it easy to put up/down.

Super lightweight

Value for money

Con IconCons

It isn’t aeroplane cabin size compliant, so you can’t take it on the plane as hand luggage.

Not that much cushioning in the seat for the child.

The padded straps can easily fall off the seatbelt, so make sure you click it back, even when the child isn’t in it.

Overall thoughts

I needed a pram that wasn’t bulky and that we could use for travelling. This pram is SO light, and even if my son wants to be carried, I can manage both – if needs be! It fully reclines, which is so handy for nap times on the go. *A lot of other travel prams don’t do this.

What is it? And how do you use it?
What is it? And how do you use it?

We use this travel pram for out and about locally as well as trips. It’s so much easier to chuck in the boot and whizz around the shops than our big pram, which has almost become redundant.

Was it good value?

Compared to other one-handed collapsible travel prams, this is such good value for money.

Would you recommend it?

I’d recommend this product for someone who wants an easy, lightweight pram for everyday use and travelling.  

Product specs;

– Cost: AED 749
– Suitable from birth to approx. 4 years (0-22kg)
– Weight: 5.8 kg
– Automatic, stand-alone fold
– Integrated folding lock to keep stroller packed neatly away
– Bumper bar acts as a convenient carry handle
– Removable bumper bar for quick ins and outs
– Large, easy-access storage basket
– Suitable from birth with lie-flat recline
– Multi-position recline ensures your child is comfortable
– Knit canopy with UPF 50+ , which provides adjustable amounts of shade and protection
– Adjustable 3- or 5-point harness – One-step brake
– Includes raincover and harness covers

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Reviewed By Us: iCandy MiChair

Reviewed By: TMC Reader Jessica Issit

Pro IconPros

It lasts from newborn to six years (rocker to highchair to seat).

It has multiple features like the toy bars.

Great supportive cushion.

Very aesthetically pleasing.

Con IconCons

Not the quickest to build

Overall thoughts

I love this highchair. It’s so sturdy, feels very secure, and supports my son well. It blends into the home and is the perfect height to place at our dining table. Unlike other highchairs, it doesn’t sit in the middle of the kitchen getting in the way. It also comes with a 10-year warranty, which I think is incredible and really makes you trust the brand. Parenting can become extremely expensive, so knowing that we have made that investment which will see us through our son’s childhood is great.

Was it good value?
Was it good value?

It is an expensive addition, but if you were to break down the costs of purchasing a highchair, a rocker and a young child’s chair, as well as the added features like the toy bar, it suddenly seems very affordable. Especially when you consider that it is so stylish, and all the components look great in the home.

Would you recommend it?
Would you recommend it?

Yes, I would. It is one timeless item that grows with your child throughout the years. So you don’t have to think about the next purchase for each stage. It is sturdy and secure as well as stylish and discreet—10/10 from me.

Product specs:

-H87 x w60 x d56,5Cm
-Weight 6,6Kg
-A blend of natural materials and soft fabrics.
-The Newborn Pod features two lockable height positions and has a detachable toy bar. It can be used as either a rocker on the floor or docked onto the MiChair.
-The MiChair is complete with a highchair, removable tray, T-bar, one-touch buckle harness and adjustable footrest.
-The MiChair transforms into a toddler chair by simply removing the T-bar.

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Reviewed By Us: Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night Machine

Reviewed By: Andi Venardos, Mother to 5 month old Achi.

Pro IconPros

Makes a bottle in 2 minutes at the perfect temperature

Easy to clean

Antibacterial filter that lasts 3 months & the machine tells you when you need to change it

Digital display that lights up at night

Con IconCons

You can only make a minimum of 4oz or 120ml (wasted milk in the early days)

If you make an error while selecting feed size, your only option is to switch the machine off from the mains and start again

Overall thoughts

Two words: GAME CHANGER. I had to start topping up my breastfeeding feeds with formula as I wasn’t producing enough milk for my son. This machine has been a lifesaver. It prepares a bottle in 2 minutes at the perfect temperature. I would recommend it to any new parents. This honestly makes life so much easier. The only downside is that the smallest bottle it makes is 4 oz – so a lot of wasted milk, especially in the early days.

What is it? And how do we use it?

This is a great concept and is like an espresso machine for formula. No more waiting for kettles to boil and cool down. Just add your formula to the bottle and follow the clear step-by-step instructions on the screen, which is invaluable when tiredness during night feeds takes over. So easy to use and means that partners and even friends and family can help out with feeds.

Was it good value?
Was it good value?

It’s a great price point considering how often it’s used. Two minutes to make a perfect bottle definitely beats the kettle method at 3 am. And I think it’s good value for money.

Would you recommend it?
Would you recommend it?

Absolutely, I simply can’t imagine life without it. It’s so quick and simple to use, especially in the middle of the night. It’s made our life so much better.

Product specs:

– Energy Efficient
– Antibacterial Filter
– 2 year warranty
– 3 colour ways
– Dimensions 21.6 x 30.6 x 33 cm
– Weight 2.2 Kilograms

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Reviewed By Us: Britax ADVANSAFIX i-SIZE Car Seat

Reviewed By: TMC Editor Lydia House

Pro IconPros

Installation is easy

Suit 15 months to 12 years

Study and well made

Fabric covers made from 100% recycled PET plastic bottles.

Easy and safe click in and comfortable for child

Con IconCons

It’s fairly expensive

“It was remarkably easy to install”

Overall thoughts

This is a brilliant car seat that’s incredibly easy to install. We needed a new car seat for my 18-month-old son, and we were sent this to try. We’d already purchased another brand for our 3-year-old, so it was interesting to see how this compared. The installation was so much easier, and I needed zero help, which was a surprise as I’ll be honest, I’m not the best at this kind of thing. The instructions can be found via the QR code on its tag, which I liked as it minimises the seat’s packaging. Its design makes clicking in a doddle, and I feel reassured that my son is safe and secure as it is much sturdier than our other seat. You can tell it’s incredibly well made and built to last – which is handy, seeing as you can use it up to a whopping 12 years old!

Was it good value?
Was it good value?

It is an expensive addition, but considering it seats up to 12 years old, it’s pretty good value. The inserts also come off really easily and are simple to put back on. One quick wash in the machine and it looks brand new. Our other seat has cushion pads that are already falling apart and it may have been £60/80 cheaper but you can see why.

Would you recommend it?
Would you recommend it?

Yes, I would. I like that it comes in lots of colours. We just went for a basic black but it has a cool green trim and it looks really smart in our car. It’s easy to install as I already mentioned and my son goes in with ease and click in is simple.

Product specs:

Dimensions: H60 – W83 x D44 x 47 cm
Weight: 11 kg
Forward facing installation: 76 – 150 cm

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*All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however, we may make a commission on some products.